Atelier de joaillerie contemporaine à Québec, QC
Fondé par Emily Lewis et Marie-Hélène Bélanger, Studio METHOD(E) est un atelier de joaillerie contemporaine se spécialisant dans l’utilisation et l’enseignement de techniques alternatives et de matériaux alternatifs. Repoussant sans cesse les limites de la tradition joaillière, les fondatrices explorent toutes les avenues possibles, utilisant tous les matériaux et concepts qui les fascinent.
Coming up, avant goût!
A look at some of the stuff that is coming up from Studio METHOD(E).
We have new projects and new pièces that will be coming out soon, here are a few images of things to come.
Metal kitchen pieces waiting for a transformation.
This is amazing black pigment that changes colour with heat. I also have pigment that becomes a bright colour when it is exposed to the sun, I’m excited for upcoming projects using them!
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